Loving-Kindness in One Minute

“Be Safe!”

When 2020 began, before COVID-19 was a pandemic, I had no idea how the simple practice of loving-kindness would become central to my life, or how it would reveal itself as an instinctive and basic expression of human mutual care.

“Stay healthy!”

The closing greetings in emails I receive haven’t moved much beyond the first two well-wishes that are part of loving-kindness meditation probably because extending care beyond our intimates and friends feels difficult, foolish, or unnecessary to many. It probably is foolish and unnecessary. But it isn’t difficult. At least, practicing loving-kindness isn’t.

If you have a minute, then try filling that one minute by saying the following words as slowly as possible with your eyes gently closed, or softly gazing upon something that to you feels either pleasant or neutral.

May each and every being be safe.
May each and every being be healthy.
May each and every being be happy.
May each and every being be at ease in this world.
And with each and every breath,
May I breathe in peace.
And with each and every breath,
May I breathe out love.

Enjoy — for this one minute, there is nothing else for you to do.

#loving-kindness #humanity #meditation